Webinar: Christchurch Major Cycleway Programme: The natural disaster that was a catalyst for change

Hosted by Austroads, this webinar will take you on the Christchurch journey towards becoming a cycle friendly city following the 2011 earthquakes.

Webinar: Charging forward – Understanding and growing electric bicycle usage in Queensland

Hosted by AITPM, this webinar presents a comprehensive body of research on e-bike usage and its potential growth in Queensland, Australia. Join us to learn about who is currently riding an e-bike – why, when and where they are riding – and the potential to encourage more Queenslanders to use e-bikes as a primary mode of transport.

CWANZ Membership Expressions of Interest 2024-26

Expressions of Interest (EOI) for membership of Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) for 2024-2026 are now open


Executive Officer
